Thursday, 8 November 2018

Post 4 : Free-themed topic : Videogames

Resultado de imagen para video games

Hi bloggers:  As you can see, today's topic is one of the ones you chose:Video games. Well , you may guess that due to my old age, I'm very far from this topic. Actually, I  have no experience with them at all, except for having seen them from a distance. Honestly, I didn't like what I saw: they looked  like Japanese -  designed cartoons , extremely violent: wars, fights, shootings, explosions, etc  I'm afraid those topics are not my cup of tea.  Anyway, you chose this topic because you belong to the millenial generation , so you   were born and  grew up with them ; consequently,  you like them, don't you? I'd like you to write about why you like them. In case you don't, why not? Are there different types or "genres" of  games? Tell me anything you consider important about them. Use 200 words. Don't forget  to leave comments on 3 of your classmates'blogs as well as my own. CU.


  1. I understand you so well. I don't know anything about videogames either. All I have ever played is Pokémon.

  2. Hi Miss,
    I know that media shows that videogames are very violent. But the truth is that not all of them are about that. When I was younger, I played a lot of fun and no-violent games like Mario, or puzzles on internet. My first videogame was 'Abrapalabra', and it showed me how to read (it was so fun!).

  3. You could try the classic ones, like Pac-Man, Mario and Space Invaders , they are in 8 or 16 bits but also modern versions in 3D, its a way to spent time.

  4. Hi miss, nowadays there`s many different genres in videogames. At the same time there are many other aspects to consider, especially now than before. So it has become a still growing world which is as beautiful as varied.

  5. Heya!, I love videogames so much! but don't prejudice, not all videogames are about fighting or needs skills to play it , there are a ton of genres , that anyone can play and even learn with that are harmless, a good example are the puzzles games.

  6. Hi miss, not all the video games are about fights and that stuff. I know some that are also for "nerds" who like studing, like BrainChallenge

  7. Hi! I really share your opinion, I don't like videogames at all, even when I had enjoy some of them.

  8. Hi, there are many videogames that are not violent at all.


  9. I think there is no age to enjoy a game, dare to play any of them

  10. Hi miss, playing video games with a friend online helps a lot to enjoy them

  11. Hi! I think that you would give one more chance to video game, maybe you can find one game type perfect for you.

  12. I don't have time to play video games! :(

  13. Hi miss sorry for the delay, I think there are games that are not violent and maybe you might like, Regards!

  14. Hello miss, I think that you need search videos games for you, today have infinite type of video games!
